Dorota Podlaska
Warschau, Polen
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
Art for Coal (Kunst gegen Kohle), 2013
The works of Dorota Podlaska often reflect her private life. An important aspect of her artistic work is its narrative character. Her preferred medium is figurative painting for which she developed a peculiar mode of presentation. The artist uses small paintings and objects to create installations. She also creates photo documentations and interventions in galleries and living spaces, and designs books and other publications.
Graduated in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun
Happy Newspaper Series, Seoksu Market, SAP Art Project, Anyang, South Korea (publication)
Courtyard (Wroclaw), Entropia Gallery, Wroclaw (publication)
30 film cuts, Muranow Cinema, Warsaw (5th Five Flavours Asian Film Festival, Warsaw) (publication)
– Lost in Translation, BWA Gallery of Art, Olsztyn/Plocka Galeria Sztuki, Plock
– Places and People, District Museum of Bydgoszcz, Bydgoszcz (publication)
Free Translation, Labirynth Gallery, Lublin (publication)
Picture Cinema, Muranow, Praha Cinema, (6th Five Flavours Asian Film Festival, Warsaw) (publication)
Lost in Translation, Akiyoshidai Artists Village, Yamaguchi, Japan
A Matter of Taste, Austria Culture Forum, Warsaw, Poland
Art for Coal, Höherweg Ateliers 271, Dusseldorf, Germany
Between Languages, Fundacja Forum Staniszow, Staniszow
»A Feast for Two« group performance at Monopol Gallery, Warsaw
Sweeet, Sour, Bitter, action at Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw